Leading Material Converter, Gasket Fabricator, and Custom Assembly Provider
Fabri-Tech Components, Inc. is a leading material converter and custom assembly provider, specializing in the precision fabrication of customized components for the industrial, medical, automotive, and electronic device markets.
With global manufacturing capabilities and a wide range of materials, Fabri-Tech supports its customers through every stage—from design and material selection to prototyping, fabrication, and final production. While their products are primarily used in electronic devices, they also serve a diverse range of industries and markets.
Fabri-Tech offers a variety of precision manufacturing capabilities to create custom assemblies tailored to their customers’ design specifications. They produce a full line of protective components, fully customized to meet specific needs. Dimensional accuracy and repeatability are the hallmarks of their material converting services.
Fabri-Tech is committed to delivering superior-quality products and exceptional service to every customer. Contact dB to put our team to work on the custom assemblies you need.