dB Enterprises

Sales Link to Asia for Technology

Who We Are

dB Enterprises provides boots on the ground support in Hong Kong, China and S.E. Asia to facilitate product development and carry out local sales of advanced audio technology. dB offers comprehensive back up to brands and IP holders including project management, engineering consulting, sourcing, and sales to protect IP, identify cost savings and overcome political and cultural blockers to sales in Asia which are seldom visible without local knowledge.

What We Do

Technology Sales & Marketing

dB provides full service B2B sales and marketing services to technology innovators. Through a mix of marketing vehicles such as direct sales, industry events, social media, industry magazines, as well as our online presence on the web and our social media sites, dB reaches the brands, factories, and product development intermediaries to bring full exposure for our technology clients.

Program Management

Our presence in Hong Kong gives our team access to all the key factories and supply chain partners in electronics manufacturing. dB offers a ‘boots on the ground’ service to oversee the technology deployment and support projects from concept to prototype to ramp to mass production and every step in between.

Engineering and Product Development

With both electrical and mechanical engineers converted to sales on staff, dB has the over-sight to manage product development. We also work with key engineering design house and/or factory partners to bring your concept to reality. For examples, we have developed and designed complete wireless audio products, amplifiers, and transducers from scratch.

Product Sourcing

Sometimes, we do not need to re-invent the wheel. dB offers fast turn component and product sourcing from reliable supply chain partners.

Factory Auditing

dB can provide factory audit services, checking company certifications and product certifications, and we can provide on-site manufacturing audits.


dB offers pre-shipment inspections, live production inspections, container load checking, pre-customs clearance inspections, and sample inspections.

Our Line Card